Seaweed Tea FAQs
How do I apply Seaweeed Tea?

- Connect Seaweed Tea Reach Nozzle to your hose. There’s no mess and no mixing!!
- Turn dial to “Water” and turn tap on until you are happy with the pressure.
- Rotate black dial on Reach Nozzle to ‘ON’ setting.
- Spray the foliage and soil to give a thorough coverage of the surface.
- When finished, turn the hose off.
- Spray a small amount to release the pressure.
- Apply product to the foliage and soil every 2 - 3 weeks during spring, summer and autumn. This organic solutions will make your garden come to life with stunning results
What is the The Best Time to Apply the Products
- The winter sleep time is the ‘housework’ time for the roots ie recharging their batteries for better fruiting the following year..... but when the weather gets warmer the plants begin to come out of that dormant time.
- Apply Seafood Soup and Seaweed Tea in early spring when the soil temperature is warmer (there is no growth when it is cold so you are wasting your time then).
- Continue to apply every 1-2 weeks until the soil is no longer warm (approx. mid autumn)
- Roots are the powerhouse of the plant so always target this area in particular in your spraying.
- Seafood Soup and Seaweed Tea are perfect for foliar and root spraying.
- Much of the overspray drops down to the root zone anyway.
What is the difference between Seaweed Tea and Seafood Soup?
- Seaweed Tea is a potent plant & soil health tonic to help fight disease & pest attack. It is like your garden's own personal "plant bodyguard". Seaweed Tea is just like a vaccination to help build an increased resistance in your plants to pest attack & plant disease. This means less chemical sprays!
- Seaweed Tea is a natural seaweed. We all know how good seaweed is for plants!
- Seaweed Tea builds systemic resistance in plants by stimulating their own natural immune system to recover from stress related setbacks & resist pest attack.
- Seaweed Tea is a combination of natural seaweed, trace elements, vitamins, potassium & amino acids, all designed to integrate with nature’s own soil processes.
- Seaweed Tea is especially high in amino acids to fortify the cells & condition the plants to help them absorb Seafood Soup (our potent, hard core, fish fertiliser)
- Seaweed Tea combines with earth’s bio-network to provide healthy, high yielding plant growth with a massive boost to soil health.
- Seaweed Tea will help your fruit and vegetables to be sweeter, more colourful and bigger!
- Seaweed Tea will help your flowers and decorative plants & hedges to be more vibrant in colour with deeper, greener foliage.
- Seaweed Tea will also feed & protect healthy soil, earthworms & soil micro-organisms through the supply of natural enzyme, enriched nutrients. These good micro-organisms feed on dead plant & animal matter to break down proteins, sugars, fatty substances, starches, cellulose etc. This then liberates carbon dioxide, nitrogen, phosphorous & other minerals to make it available to the plant to uptake. It also results in more enzymes and natural antibiotics.
- Seafood Soup is an 'Ocean Fresh' fish fertiliser that's worth its weight in gold. It's loaded with goodness for your plants to eat!
- Seafood Soup is a powerful natural fertiliser made from whole fresh fish scraps, (100% fish protein ) which are digested using special enzymes that break down the large proteins in the fish meat and bones.
- Seafood Soup uses hydrolysed fish which is widely considered to be the “high-end” fish fertilizer product. It also contains higher levels of phosphorus for both plant health and strong, tasty crops.
- Seafood Soup's hydrolysed fish has a lower pH so it preserves more vitamins, proteins and micro-nutrients.
- Seafood Soup doesn’t have a highly objectionable odour like fish emulsions and it’s also highly water-soluble, so it’s great for foliar and root zone applications.
- Seafood Soup also has all of the main nutritional elements of a whole fish (such as amino acids, growth hormones and micronutrients) that are chelated, so they are easy for the plant to consume.
- Seafood Soup contains fish oil which acts as a natural insecticide.