Rapid Application - FAQs
Why is Wet & Forget’s Rapid Application is better than other outdoor cleaners?
Compared to traditional cleaners packed with chemicals, Wet & Forget’s Rapid Application is an almost neutral solution that won't damage your surface when it's applied. Plus, not having to hose it down after application, reduces your water costs and minimises the time you take to clean. With a focus on convenience, ease of use and safer ingredients, Wet & Forget has become the leading outdoor cleaner. Although results can take time on the first clean up - it's well worth the wait.
How do I know if Wet & Forget’s Rapid Application is working?
In some circumstances, you may see an instant reaction take place. For instance, when getting rid of moss, you will probably see it go brown straight away. Surfaces such as concrete may turn an orange-brown colour after it has been sprayed. This temporary change is a good sign as this is a natural reaction between the growth and the Wet & Forget’s Rapid Application solution.
How often should I apply apply Wet & Forget’s Rapid Application?
Good news. After the initial clean, you should not have to wait to see results. Instead, an annual spray of Wet & Forget’s Rapid Application should keep the moss, lichen, algae and mould away. However, if any new growth appears reapply sooner and keep it at bay.
How Do I use Rapid Application?
- Connect the Rapid Application Reach Nozzle to your hose.
- There is nothing like this Reach Nozzle on the planet!
- This revolutionary and fast Reach Nozzle reaches 8m (2 storeys high).
- There’s no mess and no mixing!
Turn dial to “Water” and turn tap on until you are happy with the pressure. - Rotate black dial on the Reach Nozzle to the ‘ON’ setting
- Begin spraying in a logical pattern to ensure a thorough coverage of the surface.
- Your job is done. Watch the surface come clean bit by bit, with the help of Mother Nature.
Will Rapid Application affect my pets?
Not under normal circumstances, but normal safety precautions prevail. Keep your precious pets off the surfaces until the surface is TOTALLY DRY. This prevents the cute little critters licking product off their fur or paws. We say "Don't let your moggy or Doggy's paws get soggy! If they accidentally walk or sit in the product - wash their feet and bottoms with fresh water as a precaution.
If I am on tank water, can I use Rapid Application on my roof?
Sure can. But you must disconnect the water supply to your water tank for 3-4 weeks or have at least 36mm of rain to remove the concentrate from your water tank. Wet and Forget's Rapid Application has been used for over 35 years to treat biological growth on roofs and you don't want the decomposing debris to get into your tank water.
What time of the year do you apply Wet & Forget’s ‘Rapid Application’?
There is no definitive time - but of course all these growths such as lichen, moss, mould and algae appear more in the winter months when the exterior surfaces are damp and wet which are the perfect conditions for these growths to thrive. The best time to apply Wet & Forget’s ‘Rapid Application’ is when you see the first signs of green. Always apply to a DRY surface so you do need to wait for that right day. If you can stop it at the green stage, then the cleaning is so much quicker than when the surface is black - which is a sure sign that the contamination has been there for a much longer time. Be proactive and get rid of it at the first visible sign.
Do you need to rinse off Wet & Forget’s ‘Rapid Application’?
NO. Apply Rapid Application to a dry surface and then just leave it. Mother Nature takes over as the contamination breaks down and the weathering process takes it away gently, bit by bit until the surface is clean. If you rinse - you will dilute the product and the results will not be as expected.
Is Wet & Forget’s ‘Rapid Application’ a bleach?
Absolutely not!
What is the difference between Rapid Application and Wet and Forget?
They are 'sister' products. The ingredients and coverage are the same but the dilution rates are different because the way you apply them is different. Wet and Forget needs a garden sprayer while Rapid Application needs just a hose to apply.

Do I have to use Rapid Application all at once?
No, but good planning is essential. Work to a pattern so you know where you have started and stopped. The product is fine if left in the spray container as it does not deteriorate when it has been diluted.
How long will Rapid Application last in the container?
Rapid Application has unlimited shelf life. Always keep the container out of reach of children.
How long does it take Rapid Application to work?
It is totally dependent on the intensity of the contamination. If it is really light you will see results within days. Otherwise it may take approximately 2-3 months to see improvements. Your concrete may turn an orangy brown when the Rapid Application is applied. This is normal and shows you have had a good reaction. The discoloration will dissipate over a short period of time and is not permanent. The good news is that when you use it again the following season, the clean up will occur within weeks. In the very worst case scenario where contamination is extreme, it may take 6-12months.
What is the coverage area of Rapid Application?
Every 2L pack covers between 100-300m2 depending on the porosity of the surface and the level of contamination. ie painted surfaces will use less product but porous surfaces readily absorb the product and therefore coverage could be in the range of 100-150m2.
When is the best time to apply Rapid Application?
On a cool, dry windless day and when no rain is expected for 4-6 hours. Often the evening is best when evaporation of the product is minimal. This will ensure that the surface to be treated stays wet with Rapid Application for an extended period.
Will Rapid Application damage my plants?
Not unless you are directly spraying it onto the plants. If you accidentally do this, then rinse the plants down with water from the hose. Or better still, protect them with paper or plastic to avoid overspray.
Will Rapid Application remove the mould off my timber decks?
Most definitely! But if your deck is older and has never been cleaned, it may be noticeably blackened with the contamination. In this case, it would be advantageous to wait a month after the application of Rapid Application and give the area a light brush with a broom or scrubbing brush with warm water to remove it. The good news is that you should only have to do this once and then the maintenance becomes so easy. Also check out our other product, Hit The Deck, for a more instant result (although it does involve more elbow grease!)
Will Rapid Application get moss out of lawns?
You will need to use the classic Wet and Forget as the dilution rates are different. Firstly lightly water the lawn but not enough to saturate the moss. Do this late in the day when the sun is low so that evaporation is kept to a minimum. Dilute the 5L Wet & Forget 7 parts water to 1 part Wet & Forget and spot spray the moss. You may have to give it a couple of goes until you have it under control. At worst you may get slight burning on the grass but it will recover very quickly. Rake the dead moss out. then sprinkle lime over the area as this is usually a sign that your pH of the soil is not quite right.
How much Rapid Application will I need to clean my roof?
The average 3 bedroom tile roof is approx 150m2 but because of the undulations of the tile profile the actual area is a lot bigger. Therefore an average tile/concrete roof would require 2 x 2L packs, depending on how porous the surface is and how much biological growth is present. For an average 3 bedroom tile roof with lichen you would require 3 x 2L packs depending on the total area if it is covered with lichen. For best results, spot spray the lichen, leave for 10-15 minutes and then respray the lichen and the entire roof to ensure the plant absorbs the Rapid Application thoroughly. The first application is to dissolve the waxy surface. The 2nd spray will then penetrate the lichen.
For green moss and black mould, one application is normally sufficient. Your roof will normally take between 6 & 12 months to come clean. Again, this is totally dependent on how bad the contamination is.
For green moss and black mould, one application is normally sufficient. Your roof will normally take between 6 & 12 months to come clean. Again, this is totally dependent on how bad the contamination is.
Can I use Rapid Application safely on ANY exterior surface?
Sure can - absolutely ANY exterior surface. This one product cleans them all!
Great for all types of Roofs including Decramastic, Clay tile, Concrete tile, Super 6, Fibrolite, Colour steel, Zincalume (iron roof)
How do I remove Lichen from any Exterior Surface?

- Visually, section your area off into manageable parts.
- Spot spray the lichen within each section.
- Leave for 15-20 mins (while it is still damp) and then respray the lichen and the entire area of that particular section to ensure the plant absorbs the Wet & Forget/Rapid Application thoroughly.
- The first application is to dissolve the waxy surface.
- The 2nd spray will then penetrate into the roots.
- This will ensure much better results for you. Remember that it will still take time to decompose and break away.