How To Get Rid of Rodents
Did You Know that pest controllers have reported that the population of rats has doubled this year in all major cities across the country? The country's biggest rat influx in 40 years was due to a so-called mega mast. In New Zealand, native plants don't always seed every year. Every few years, all species of one tree will seed at once -- something called a "mega-mast." When food is plentiful the rodents are extra happy!
Rats and mice are never welcome guests so why do they invade your home? Because....just like you, rats & mice need food, water and shelter from the cold.
We all know why we need to get rid of rodents... but how do we do it easily?
Cheesed Off for Rats or Cheesed Off for Mice each come with a powerful 'easy to set' trap.
Cheesed Off traps will prevent accidental contact (with the trap/bait) by children or pets and provide protection from the weather when used outdoors.
Caught! - 100% catch rate! 'Cheesed Off' For Rodents comes in 2 different sizes
How To Set The CHEESED OFF Traps to Get Rid of Mice or Rats
Check out another option
Wet & Forget's Rat Catcher's Revenge Repels Mice, Rats & Small Insects
Wet & Forget specialize in Pest Control Products so remember to check them out
Do You Know The Difference Between a Rat and a Mouse?
Now for some Fun Facts about Mice and Rats
1. Naming Rights
A group of mice is called a "mischief". Now that's descriptive!!
2. Mice are masters of over eating
Yes, they are tiny. But mice eat between 15 and 20 times a day, so they will always choose to live very close to food sources and make between 20 and 30 visits to different food sites taking as little as 0.15g of food from each location. In order to prevent mice from getting into your food, don’t make it readily available for them. Store all items in sealed containers.
3. Mice & their teeth - this will fascinate you
Mice have incisor teeth that grow at the rate of 0.03cm a day. Because of this, mice need to constantly gnaw on items which range anywhere from cardboard boxes to wires, in order to grind their teeth down to a reasonable length and comfortable size. They adore electrical cabling! If they stopped gnawing on food, cardboard, wood or whatever comes their way, they would suffer unbearable pain. Additionally, once grown too much, their teeth would prevent them from eating, so they would starve to death.
4. They are skilled trapeze artists from birth
Mice are like mountaineers. They are adept at jumping 3-4m without injuring themselves. Amazing when you consider their average size is usually between 3-10cm. They can also be Olympic swimmers if need be.
5. Mice are mini Houdinis!
Mice can squeeze through openings as small as the size of a pencil. To cut off these entrances and prevent this from happening, ensure all exterior openings are sealed. leftover food and on our own negligence. When they encounter the tiniest opening in your house they can flatten their bodies to an extreme, liquid-like shape and penetrate your castle.
6. They innocently are the carriers of deadly germs
Hantavirus, Lyme disease, and Salmonella are well known diseases spread by mice, but that’s just the beginning. In fact, mice can actually carry as many as 200 human pathogens!
7. Potty training isn’t a focus for mice
Were you aware that a house mouse produces between 40 and 100 droppings per day? Not only that, mice constantly give off micro-droplets of urine as they travel around their territory every day. They are constantly exploring and leaving behind urine, faeces and hairs in our food and clothing. One house mouse produces up to 36,000 droppings per year.
8. Breeding is Prolific
A female house mouse can give birth when its only two months old and carry on to produce up to a dozen babies every three weeks that are capable of gnawing on your wallpaper. In ideal conditions, one pair of mice and their offspring can produce up to 8,000 young in one year.
9. Nursery Rhyme '3 Blind Mice' isn’t fiction
Yes - these tiny rodents are almost blind. Their eyesight is so poor that they cannot distinguish colours. They rely on their amazing smell and hearing senses to identify their surroundings. They have supersonic hearing and can hear up to 90kHz as well as producing their own ultrasound for communication.
10. Travel Habits
They love to travel adjacent to walls and along edges – so guess where the best place to put a trap is?
1. Rats Have a Keen Sense of Smell
They have been used to detect landmines and diagnose tuberculosis through smell.
2. Rats Laugh
When they are 'happy', they emit a high pitched chirping noise.
3. Naming Rights
A male rat is called a buck, the female a doe and the baby a kitten! Rats are mammals referred to as "rodents" because they belong to the scientific order of Rodentia.
4. Do you feel the love?
Karni Mata Temple in India is home to over 25,000 black rats who are worshipped there. In 1954, the rat problem in Bombay, India was so bad they began accepting dead rats in place of taxes. People quickly exploited the system with mass breeding and killing projects causing the program to be terminated.
5. Eating habits
A rat is allergic to cheese but can eat chocolate (Rat tastebuds are sensitive enough to detect a teaspoon of chocolate in 5000L of milk) and they are capable of chewing metal and glass. Rats’ jaws are built like an alligator and can exert as much as 7000 pounds per square inch. Rats cannot go more than 4 days without food. Rats ate an estimated 10% of Pablo Escobar's money every year, amounting to $2.1 billion. WOW!
6. Physicality
A rat can swim for 3 days and hold its breath for 3mins and can fall as far as 15 metres and land unharmed.
7. Longevity
A rat can live for 2-3 years but usually 1 year due to predators.
8. Medicine
Rats have been invaluable to cardiovascular medicine, diabetes, neural degeneration and transplantation. 30 Nobel Prizes were based on research with rats.
9. How good are your muscles?
Rats don't sweat, but they regulate their temperature by constricting or expanding blood vessels in their tails.
10. Royalty Connection
The royal rat catcher of Queen Victoria gave an albino rat to Beatrix Potter, the author of the much loved Peter Rabbit series